
My first international trip opened my eyes beyond the obvious language barrier and the new customs I faced. Day by day I started seeing familiar sights amongst unfamiliar surroundings. As the months passed, the differences became smaller because they were surrounded by similarities. Differences are not barriers, they are opportunities to walk new paths; not walls to enclose but bridges to find new horizons. Based on the premise that every country has terrain with people and animals trying to survive between its horizons, from birth to survival while seeking their dreams before finding their final day, it seems futile to argue over differences instead of embracing similarities – There are Universals that unite all of us throughout the world:

Sunrise New Bern, NC
Sunrise of new possibilities. New Bern, NC


Within all species, there is communication. Language. If we openly make an effort to communicate without judgement that one method is better than another, communication can be achieved. No single method is better than another. Communication evolves over time and circumstance to meet the needs of the users.
Each time you encounter a new language, consider yourself a baby acquiring its first vocabulary words and absorbing the words daily without judgement or preconceived definitions. The effort to communicate and appreciate the exchange of thought and hospitality rises above the absence of simple words. Intention and mutual effort wins.


Bread – this fundamental food item is the foundation of western civilizations! In all it shapes and combinations of grain, bread is the staff of life. The Russian language has a saying, “Ect Xleb.” (There’s bread) as an indication of daily life moving forward.
Butter and Cheese – the day just got a little better! In all the variations we found, butter and cheese top the universal Toppings list.

Trash and recycling

How can we be such an advanced, intelligent species but not take care of our home planet? Why is there even a question, much less a debate, about taking care of our land, seas, and air? Every place we visited has a big, common issue: trash!

Collecting it, sorting it, hauling it, treating it, storing it, recycling it. It is everywhere. It is overwhelming in some places. It is an industry. It is destroying many ecosystems… Nature vs. Trash: Trash is winning

Watch this movie: Idiocracy, 2006

“Kids / teens – have nothing to do…”

How can this be true? Sad but true, we heard this in every country we visited.

Looking back while going forward