Travels Interrupted

Strange times call for creative solutions…

This trip was supposed to be a get-away of epic opportunities and endless miles of possibilities! “Dreams and plans do come true.”

Instead, we have had to answer some pretty serious questions since 8 March:

  • Should we turn an open ended trip into a one week round trip?
    >> Everything is in place for us to be in Europe, NOT at home. We are prepared for most contingencies and have insurance for “The Unexpecteds” on the road.
  • Should we keep bicycling into the unknown as countries are literally closing borders and locking down entire populations?
    >> No. The EU has been re-defining its neighborly relations and national responses to Coronavirus / Covid-19. Europeans get very Specific about penalties when their rules are broken. We prefer to follow rules!
  • Where should we “shelter-in-place” when we don’t have any place?
    >> THAT answer is the beginning of our current story! Our Netherlands posting is unfolding everyday while we stay with a host family and keep busy helping with a renovation project.
  • How long until we can travel freely again with camp grounds, grocery stores, museums and entire villages open to the public?
    >> WHO knows! And that is the crux of the matter. This is a whole new world of unchartered travels.
Marks water level prior to reclaiming the land

Inspired by the Netherlands: To manage the water and wind; to make land and homes where it was ocean; to produce food from the land so their nation never faces starvation again.