
We are “sheltering-in-place“ at a lovely farmstead in northern Netherlands. Learning a lot everyday as we chase local windmills. Since this one week visit turned into several weeks, I’m going to reorganize this page into our weekly day trips…

The world needs a moment of prayer.

Tulips interrupted: The Keukenhof and other tulip growers have had to cut down the blooming tulips this year to discourage people from gathering at viewing locations. Such a sad state of affairs due to the corona virus. This annual event brings in over 1 million visitors/year. 2020 – Canceled.
Enjoy this virtual tour of Netherland’s famous annual Keukenhof Tulip gardens:

Click here: This is drone footage of Keukenhof

Happy to be surrounded by beautiful flowers

Windmills Titans of industry and fortitude.

Lots of engineering to harness the wind!

Week 1

We travelled from Amsterdam to Muiden, Lelysted and then Zwolle. Our first day on the road It was pouring rain! In Muiden, we were able to meet up with a friend we had not seen since our wedding! It seemed a fitting start to a journey celebrating our 30th anniversary.

Homebase – Zwolle

Our initial 5 day visit at a dairy barn renovation B & B became a “sheltering in place” quarantine haven when the EU began closing borders. We learned two fun family games: Rumikub and the sport of Sjoelen on a Sjoelbak board. Our 6 year old host was quite the hustler on these games passed down from her grandparents.

week 2 – Hasselt

week 3 – Ijsselmeer Shoreline ride

We started the ride at a campground Natuurkampeerterrein De Veenkuil and rode to the port village Lemmer then set out on the shoreline trail to Urk. This 8 mile corridor of windmills is teeming with shore birds. Riding along the shore with the wind on our backs felt like we were gliding with the birds. The windmills were huge, silent sentinels of power.

Lemmer to Urk

week 4 – 3 Village Loop

Genemuiden, Zwartsluis and Rouveen.

Bicycle of the month

Part 2

Spring in the Netherlands…