The Box of Chocolates

Life is like a box of chocolates!

Forest Gump
Chocolate is music for your taste buds – Croatia
Chocolate is visual Art for the soul

We can thank explorers for introducing the cacao beans from Central America to England and Spain. The vegetable with its chemical stimulants became popular very quickly as an aphrodisiac, mood enhancer!

While sheltering in the Netherlands, we decided to join the European Chocolate Testing Union and accepted the responsibilities of thorough comparative analysis. Our goal is to encounter and compare the unique brands of chocolate found in each country and to discover creative, inspired chocolate products. Seriously important testing!

Most packaged Chocolate actually doesn’t agree with my tummy. The cheaper chocolate, full of fillers and additives, actually gives me a tummy ache! So, for many years I avoided chocolate. It made choosing desserts from menus a bit easier because there are fewer choices without chocolate. Avoiding chocolate was justified as a reasonable way to diet, cutting down on calories that I could enjoy in other ways. (Tony happily took the assignment to consume any and all chocolates possible.)

SIDE NOTE: Did you know that the dessert course in England is called “Pudding” ? That’s not a custard or a pudding serving, it’s the sweet bite after dinner dish. And “Yorkshire pudding” is NOT a pudding at all, it isn’t even a dessert! So, all this study and experimentation is actually quite important. But let’s get back to Chocolate

A life without chocolate? Impossible!

In the 80s, I stayed with Swiss friends who believed in “A chocolate a day keeps the Doctor away”. I followed their practice very carefully, consuming at least one new Swiss chocolate experience each day, all in the name of “good health”. The Swiss pioneered high altitude, happy cows and perfected chocolate as a national food group.

Swiss Alps

In 2020, I learned that the Dutch brought a whole new meaning to the love of chocolate in all forms: spreads, sprinkles and everything on top or in between.

Dutch tea time with chocolate

So, for over 40 years my ongoing search for healthy, high quality, fair trade, sustainable, eco-friendly, delicious chocolate has obviously evolved. Luckily, experimentation is my middle name and good, scientific study is my second nature and I have organized amazing study buddy partners in chocolate mischief:

1. The hubby, Tony. Very true to fateful mates, Tony loves all things chocolate. He has no pre-qualifiers or quality issues. There’s even a Brand in his name:

Chocolate with admirable corporate practices – NL

2. Our daughter. We raised an independent testing agent!

Daughter’s 2020 Virtual Chocolate Birthday cake via Zoom

Jump forward through the years and many tests of chocolate around the world, our team has tackled our chocolate mission:

2017: There are chocolate museums in Sicily. They make chocolate art in Italy! They just keep quiet about it. The CioccolArt museum is cute and in a church – it’s a religious experience.

Chocolate as History in Sicily

Here’s a lovely Chocolate blog entry from An American in Rome

2021: Found the Chocolate museum in Croatia!

Chocolate can be enjoyed at any time — morning, noon and night. No questions asked, it is a vital part of any day.

Healthy Breakfast chocolate – Croatia

Spain was an original source of chocolate as a thick drink! This drink actually pre-dates chocolate bars.

Hot Chocolate in Spain IS THICK

Holidays of Chocolate!

Unanimous conclusion from each country visited:
Chocolate is NOT just for Valentine’s Day!

Chocolate makes every holiday special, of course! – NL Easter 2020
Croatia Christmas 2020
Bosnia Easter 2021

After much practice and many experiments, We’re on board.
“Life is like a box of chocolate! You never know what you’re going to get.”
All.Things.Chocolate – bring it on!

Good advice! – Italy

Bicycle of the month

She is going out for chocolate!