“Hope Springs Eternal”

As each month of 2020 rolls by, I find myself wishing for a few beautiful minds like John Nash to step up on the world stage and say, “Right, here’s the results of this final exam we have given to the world”. It’s too bad Nash died in 1995, his perspective on 2020 would be very interesting.

This glitch in the world’s “Regularly scheduled” lifestyle is giving us all a chance to reflect on where we are. Nations are reevaluating economic models and sustainability; the history of imperialism and colonization are under scrutiny; the education system is expelled; and the strength of social justice is on trial. The process of globalization is being rebooted. I struggle between the joy of daily living and the grim reality of the pandemic world. For every new day, I am thankful and humbled by those who carry on, hopeful for tomorrow.

“I need to believe that something extraordinary is possible.”

Quote: line of Alicia Nash in “A Beautiful Mind”
”Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” – GK Chesterton

“Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.” 

– Emily Dickinson

As we stood on the Mayflower steps at the port of Plymouth, England, I tried to imagine the fortitude and convictions that fueled the early immigration to a vast, new land.  The early passengers and crews bravely faced a high mortality rate and vast unknowns on the hope of new lives on new terms in the colonies.

Building early America involved facing dangerous expeditions and forging new roads within an unknown environment to build a new country.  America became a melting pot of immigrants from all walks of life that invested their hope for the future in this land of the brave survivors.  

I have always remarked how Americans and American culture can not be easily put into an identity box!  We are the mix of our ancestors all brought together with the freedom to pursue our futures regardless of our ethnic heritage.  We are the survivors, the dreamers, the builders and the refugees.  Traveling in Europe this year amongst the current geo-political issues and stressed by the pandemic has certainly provided a lot of topics for discussion and reflection.

As we departed Plymouth, England for Santander, Spain, we saw a jetty with an art installation proclaiming “New World” but our destination was a mere 20 hours away, warmer and quieter, an old world land of churches and villages.  We spent a lovely month on the Spanish coast of Galacia and visited two cities of the Camino de Santiago – Lugo and Santiago de Compostela – before heading cross country to the Port of Barcelona.  We departed Spain under the watchful eyes of the Christopher Columbus statue headed for the land of Tony’s Italian roots, finally.

It has been a circuitous, slow journey.  Step by step following guidelines and health protocols for safe travels has led us to new choices and destinations with an added layer of precautions and a new appreciation for life.  Autumn has blessed us with beautiful weather and Italy’s Abruzzo region is busy harvesting olives.  Laughter and chatter float up through the fields as we ride by… hopeful for a better tomorrow.

Thankful for time…

Hindsight is 20/20

Bicycle of the month

“When I see an Adult on a bicycle,
I do not despair for the Future of the Human Race”