Holiday Wanders

The world will never starve for want of wonders;
But only for want of wonder.

G.K. Chesterton, Tremendous Trifles, 1909

We celebrated Christmas and rang in the New Year on the Kaštela coastline between Split and Trogir, Croatia.

The 2020 holidays were fraught with stormy weather and an earthquake but kids were busy visiting the parks and playing amongst the simple decorations and teens were busy popping off fireworks throughout the holidays. Fresh mistletoe, garlands and roasted chestnuts were popular in the markets adding wonderful aromas to the bartering crowds. We found delicious local breads, hot chestnuts and beautiful Christmas ginger cookies for a taste of the holidays. The churches were surrounded by clusters of families quietly standing outdoors through services and the village squares were popular places to enjoy the sunshine and chat over warm wine and sugar sprinkled fried dough balls. There wasn’t any pomp or pageants, just the somber masses and rituals that help sustain the parishioners. We felt connected and welcomed by the similarities and shared sentiments of the season. On New Year’s Eve, the clear skies along the entire coastline from Split to Trogir were lit up by fireworks as everyone sent up their cheerful blasts to welcome 2021.

Bridges & Open Doors

The Adriatic sea provides a beautiful backdrop for the coastal area. It is surprisingly clear and colorful but it changes throughout the hours from a smooth mirror to churning waves that breach the shoreline and try to toss the boats off their moorings. Croatia has over 1,000 islands along its coastline. Coves, docks and marinas are crowded with every type of boat from dinghies, charter fleets to mega yachts waiting for high season. Fishing boats and ferries cross paths day and night. Some islands are sparsely populated, others are packed tightly with villages. The network of railways, bridges and ferries that connect the regions are vital to this ancient country.

Venetian fortresses were placed along the coast to protect the fishermen and the farmers that spread into the rugged countryside. Inland, hilltop fortresses rise out of the rocks to tower over their fertile valleys. History and time have worn them down to foundations and outer walls but they still display the power and strength that carried on through centuries of survival. This country has been fighting for survival since its early days as provinces of Rome.

One saying from childhood that I always keep in mind:

Don’t burn your bridges.

This year, I heard:

Build bridges, not walls.

Bridges of Time

Traveling to new places and meeting people builds bridges and opens doors. The memories and impressions garnered from your travels connects you to new places and new customs. The connections can be delicious flavors that appear on your dining table in a new dish or pieces of art that fill your rooms with beauty. The bridges can be strong and run two ways as encounters grow into open doors of hospitality and shared time exchanged for the currency of learning and growing.

Doorways across Europe
Tony can chat with anyone, any where… opening doors is a gift

Ever since the world existed
There’s one thing that is certain
There are those who build walls
And those who open doors…

Jackson Browne, Walls and Doors