Are we there yet?

“The journey is the destination.”

But. If time travel was real, to When would we go?
Time in a bubble

On any journey, the planning and mapping, reservations and bookings, tickets and schedules add some challenges to every day between point A and point B. Those challenges come together to make the journey into rich memories of good-delightful-amazing times, with thrilling highlights and maybe some frustrating disappointments. If we blinked our eyes and appeared at a destination the journey would have zero value.

In 2020, the guide books and planning can all be thrown out the window! The schedules, the hours of operation, the limited seating, the processing time… every. single. thing. is being re-written daily or weekly. Nothing has returned to “normal”. No brochure or website is up-to-date but reservations should be made “Online, one day In advance”. Programmers are the blessed angels of forms and functions! If phones are attended, a new species of “Remote workers” are trying to take calls or handle emails to answer questions.

Everyone is trying to abide by the new rules and “contactless” is the new norm but for every shop that is glad to re-open many other shops did not survive. We are all trying to find the “normal” of each day. Every encounter we have within this 2020 World context and all the places we see gives us new perspectives of how history and culture have survived to meet 2020 with compassion and fortitude.

Time travelers keep going…

Getting Close!

Bicycle of the month